This Room


Sunday – 11:58pm – REACH home base Davao City

Sitting at the dinning room table, second story. The air is moist and thick and hot. My shirt, although clean and fresh, feels like its been pulled too early from the dryer. A heavy, sticky feeling. My eyes feel dry, wind blown, dust accumulating in the corners. I smell fresh roasted peanuts, delivered to Dr. Sam from a tenant downstairs. They were over salted and oily while still crunchy and rich in flavor. Another deep breath begs for sea breeze, but returns nothing. I have never craved a cool crisp refreshing salad more in my life. Through the open french like doors to the balcony I hear intermittent traffic; tricycles, taxis, speeding trucks. Cool air passes by on its way through to the open back door. For a moment everything is quiet. The neighbors to my right have 2 dogs, a beagle and german shepherd, they start to bark. I cant wait for a good nights rest to settle my over fed stomach. Chicken adobo, garlic rice, pancet, Siopao*, Lumpia. My computer fan kicks into overdrive. I’ve been working on this Video for 3 days now. Hesitant to release, yet excited to share. Hoping for a emotional, rewarding, happy/sad response. This is as raw as I could describe. This is real life. I couldn’t imagine filling my mouth with the water from that well. I’ll take the dry, salty, oily taste instead.  

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